This is the detailed document illustrating what measurable items the assessor shows for a parcel specific property. Understanding this document may assist a taxpayer in understanding their assessment and save them a trip into the office or time spent on the phone. We have made available a sample PRC with notations and explanations of various entries. Keep in mind this sample card, will assist the majority of those seeking clarity; it is impossible however to provide an example of every possible scenario. If you would like a copy of your property record card, click HERE.

When dealing with a residential property and you notice under the "accomodations" section that the assessor has your room counts wrong, feel free to contact us - however those fields do not impact the pricing ladders being applied during the mass appraisal application of assessing. Likewise the check boxes beside and below this area, while we desire them to be accurate - again understand they themselves do not factor in to the cost tables being applied.

While face to face conversations over the PRC typically results in the swiftest clarity, there are multiple ways to reach out to our office and ask questions about your property's PRC.

Assessors utilize exterior measurements, not interior. This can depending on the size and/or construction style of your home appear to cause quite the disparity.
Measurements are always rounded to the nearest whole foot. So if an exterior wall measures 26 feet 5 inches, you will see it assessed as a 26 foot wall.
Yes, if a structure is present, it is assessed.
The standard number of fixtures assumed in a home is 5. This includes one full bath (3 fixtures), kitchen sink and water heater. Anything above those are inputted as bath fixtures or possibly just additional.
A shower, bath tub, toilet and sink are all consider a fixture. This is why what many term a "3/4 bath" that has a shower and no tub are assessed in the same manner.
Obviously PRC's are limited on the information they can deliver, if there are any further questions or reasons for which things are assessed a certain way - please reach out to our office with your questions.

There are numerous resources which may assist you in understanding the Property Record Card or assessments further on the DLGF pages: HERE.