So you filed an appeal, now what is the next step?
As you no doubt learned HERE, it can take time to process and work through all the various appeals received each year.
While many choose to just wait for us to initiate communication with them, it can also be beneficial to contact us for a status check, schedule a call or even a meeting if necessary.
If at any point you decide you wish to withdraw your active appeal, you can do so HERE. Be sure to include the specific parcel(s) included in the withdraw.
Status Check - All you are seeking is merely a status update of your appeal. Often petitioners just want to make sure they haven't missed something in the mail or a phone call about an appeal. Be sure to include the specific property (parcel preferred) of the appeal you are inquiring about.
Schedule A Discussion- It is quite rare that an in-person meeting is necessary in the appeal process, however should this be something you believe is necessary please let us know. Be sure to include the specific property (parcel preferred) of the appeal you are making this request about. It will greatly assist the appeals staff in handling your request if you attach to the email any evidence you wish to have be part of the appeal file now, which you may not have attached to the original appeal. The appeals staff will process the request as swiftly as time allows and see what communication option appears most appropriate for your specific appeal and situation.